What are you doing?
What are you doing? It is often one of the first questions we ask our colleagues, friend or family.
What I did last week? I visited Greece and met with many customers in Athens to talk about social software and the applications in their businesses. We met with media companies, banks, automotive and telco´s. What are they doing to bring new and innovative services to their customers, attrackt top talent, improve customer satisfaction, retention and up and crosselling capabilities? Do they see the value of involving their customers in co-creating innovation?
Do they believe that their HR divisions could benefit from having social networks to find and attrack new colleagues? And do they see that inviting their customers to dynamic communities to help co-create and evaluate new services and products could make them feel more involved and loyal? Well....of course! And they are all embarking on the path of discovering how they
can become enterprise 2.0 organizations and benefit from the wisdom of the crowds. One customer was so enthousiastic and visionairy;-) he purchased 15 licences of our social software suite at the end of a 1 hour meeting to start exploring the benefits in a pilot context.

Most important take away; Social software is for everyone. Whether you are a consumer, a 12 people government service organization or a 200.000 user bank.
Most interesting site discovered: www.twitter.com. A great way to find out what your friends, colleagues or family are doing. This is the type of messages you dont call someone for, send an email or blog about, but that are interesting and fun to follow people you know. Simply subscibe and update every now and again via the web or by sending a SMS from your mobile. For a great explanation and visualization check out www.commoncraft.com
Find me by searching arjanradder and start following me, when you join let me know so I can also start following you. So next time we speak you dont have to ask me what I am doing, you would already know.