Social Software & HR
From: arjanradder, 2 days ago
he presentation I delivered at the july 1 session with and ± 120 HR professionals.
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Collaborating in the Lotus Community
Whether you’ve been reading my columns for the past couple of years, or you’ve happened here for the first time, chances are you use Lotus Notes. I always try to give you the best information I can, and much of that info comes directly from my interactions with the Lotus Notes user community.
The Lotus Notes community is made up of IBM employees, bloggers, administrators, developers, business partners, and some of the best minds in the business. So, I want to let you know where you can find this information and become part of the community yourself.
The first place to check out when looking for bloggers that focus on Lotus products is is a blog aggregator that checks nearly 300 blogs every 10 minutes and then posts the headlines. You can skim through what people are posting and clicking on a headline will take you to the blog in question.
The homepage
This is probably the best way to get started following Lotus-themed blogs. You can skim the headlines that interest you most, and when you find blogs you like, you can always subscribe to them in your feed reader.
I feel that this is probably the easiest way to get involved with the community. Read blogs, comment on them, and even start one of your own.
If you want to be up-to-date with all the happenings in the community and Lotus, you have three different podcasts to choose from. Taking Notes, IdoNotes, and Yellowcast.
Taking Notes is Lotus community news and commentary by Bruce Elgort of Elguji Software and independent consultant Julian Robichaux. The two have put out over 82 podcasts since the end of 2005. They always get great guests and have wonderful commentary.
This is the grandaddy of Lotus podcasts If you listen, you’ll also hear my voice on occasion.
IDoNotes is the brainchild of IBM Business Partner Connectria’s Chris Miller and he’s been doing it nearly as long as the Taking Notes guys. Chris is an expert in administration as well as products like Sametime and Quickr. He’s always talking about the latest product releases and has a very strong social networking background. Many of us wonder how he ever sleeps.
A list of recent IDoNotes podcasts
Yellowcast is the newest podcast to throw its hat into the Lotus ring. Lotus consultants Chris Toohey and Tim Tripcony have just finished their third episode, and with episode titles like “Vicodin and MonkeyButter” and “Lotus Notes Sucks and I Hate All Of You!” it’s entertaining as well. Trust me, these two don’t really think Lotus Notes sucks. It’s their platform of choice, and they are two top developers in their field. If you are interested in deep dives on Lotus technologies, this is for you.
User Communities and Forums
There are good Lotus user communities and forum areas out there as well. Everything from user groups, to the IBM developerWorks site to I’m sure at least you can find one of these to your liking, if not all of them. is an online community of Lotus users that acts as a “virtual” Lotus user group. There’s tons of content, online group meetings, blogs, forums, newsletters and resources to help you find Lotus user groups in your area. has tons of information
IBM developerWorks: Lotus (or to the long time Lotus fans out there) is IBM’s portal to all the information you could ever need. There are links to tons of learning resources like articles, documentation, tutorials and more.
One of the pieces that really makes this a community however are its forums. If you go to the site and click on the Forums & Community link on the left side of the screen, you’ll find forums for pretty much every single IBM Lotus product. You can ask questions or join in the discussion yourself. It’s a great way to get information and support.
There are also links to IBM Bloggers, Wiki’s with product information for the various Lotus products and RSS feeds covering pretty much everything you can imagine. If you’ve never been to developerWorks, you definitely need to check it out.
IBM Greenhouse and
I’ve mentioned both of these in a previous article, so there’s not much I can add here, but both of these sites allow end users to try all of the various Lotus technologies and create blogs, share documents and even attend web conferences and send instant messages.
These communities are growing on a daily basis, so you can get interaction with all of the latest and greatest in Lotus technology as well as some great people.
Ideas and Open Source
Another relatively new site is called IdeaJam. Now IdeaJam is actually a product for sale from Elguji software, but itself is a community where you can vote on ideas for improving Lotus software products. If you think there is a feature missing, you can post it as an idea, and other members can vote on it. If people like the idea, the score goes higher, if they dislike it, the score goes lower. is the place to submit your feature requests
Think of this as a designed specifically for Lotus products. The nice thing is that IBM engineers are keeping an eye on the site, so your idea could someday become a reality in shipping products! is another site I’ve written about before, but I would be remiss if I didn’t include it in an article about Lotus community. is a repository of open source Lotus templates and code snippets. If you need Lotus to do something in your organization, check to see if a solution already exists. You’ll be surprised at how many useful things you can find there, many of which I’ve written about before.
You can also post your own code, participate on many projects and talk about the many templates in the forums.
Why care about community?
You may ask yourself, why do I care about any of this? Well the reasons are simple. By becoming part of the Lotus Notes user community you can easily gain access to some of the best minds ever to wield a Notes client. You can make contacts with these people, interact and learn a lot.
For me, if you join in the fun, I get to hear another voice, another perspective and ultimately we all wind up stronger as a community. It may be pure unbridled selfishness on my part, but in this case, I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
About this Series
This series of articles on intranet solutions with IBM Lotus Notes/Domino and it's companion products is intended to help readers understand the fundamental methodology and capabilities of the product and how to utilize it to deliver a feature-rich, secure, and functional corporate intranet solution. It will include implementation strategies, case studies, industry-tested tips and tricks, and, with your input, true value to the administrator or developer who wants to utilize IBM Lotus technologies to deliver winning intranet solutions.
If you have any questions on the series, Lotus Notes/Domino, or if there's something you'd like to see addressed, visit the Intranet Journal Discussion Forum.
About the Author
John Roling is the Senior Groupware Administrator for a North American trade-show exhibit company and a certified Lotus Notes Administrator, Developer and all-around geek. You can keep up with him at his blog ( or drop him an e-mail at