Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Beauty AND brains..!

I recently read an article on Notes vs Outlook on a MS blog. Someone was going on and on about a pretty interface. Sure, looking pretty is hip today but won´t take you very far. First of al you need to be reliable, trustworthy and of course healthy. Certainly when you are not a woman but an instrument people in businesses use daily to do their work;-). I think that's why 126 million users love Lotus Notes since it came out in 1989. Oh yeah that´s another great chractaristic; being innovative, Exchange Outlook was only launched in 1996/1997 ...

Anyway the new Notes client will again be the more secure, reliable, platform independent (being built on a completely open Eclipse platform) choice but..will now also have the pretty interface. Hannover will be out around the end of this year or the start of 2007. Of course you will see many annoucements and beta programs before that time.

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